Saturday 2 March 2019

Travel Tummy Troubles Take Toll

Thank you to all my local children's entertainers who rallied around for my replacements this weekend.

Also to the lovely mums who children I was letting down, for being kind and understanding.

Unfortunately, for the first time in my career, I had to call in the cavalry.

Thank you to my replacements Lucy Lost it and the Great Jaydini for covering for me.

A big thanks to those who tried and spoke with my offering help and suggestions :

Dave Hickory
Disco Steve
Colin Dymond
Showtime Shane
Ozzy Wizzpop (who found Lucy)
Mr Niggles
and Victoria the lovely mum who managed to get hold of Jay.


I kept my travel illness quiet until I saw the doctor last night. She said I was possibly infectious and shouldn't go out.

When I told her that while waiting nearly three hours to be seen, I'd used the loo at least 5 times, she went white, got on the phone and had the loo closed off.

Then she said “if we had known your symptoms, we'd have seen you right away"

Blooming typical. Now you know how to jump the queue!


So, what did it?

It wasn't Indian food that did it,
it wasn't the lovely salad I had.
It wasn't the water...

It was a chicken and vegetable wrap I bought, while out on my own, from a coffee shop.

Yes, a westernised coffee shop near Lands End in Mumbai Bandstand. They made lovely coffee and they had a choice of sandwiches, all of which were spicy. I wanted something bland for a change and out it came in its lukewarm glory.

Why did I eat it?

It was my first day in the sun (9 days inside), I was sitting in a great spot, watching the world go by with the sunshine lighting up my face.

The first bite was warm, it wasn't particularly tasty, just something to eat as I'd been walking a lot and needed energy.

The next mouthful was lukewarm and I thought oh dear, I hope this is alright, should it be hot or cold?

"Oh, stop being paranoid FFS, get it eaten you soft git."

It's my own fault. I should have spat it out and given it to the mangy Mumbai mongrel by my feet, who would have loved it.

12 hours pass and I start to get a soreness in my belly. Like trapped wind. The next day is uncomfortable, I manage to eat a delicious Subway.

After that, I struggle to do anything without a whimper.

By Tuesday I was in hell.

Flying back from India was a struggle.
I had the worst tummy troubles and the flights were an ordeal. I really thought I'd collapse at any minute. I did mange to sleep on the flight but it wasn't restful at all.

I was so hungry.

No food, other than a small bowl of porridge has passed my lips since Wednesday.

Here I sit at my kitchen table, after a rough night's sleep. With the happy knowledge that little kids are not going to be disappointed (or infected), while I recover.

Diet? No dairy, no eggs, no meat other than chicken (I'm bloody sick of chicken. It's all they have in India)


The microwave has just pinged. I have a delicious bowl of porridge made with water to enjoy.

Better than a wrap, any day.

Bye for now.


  1. Always travel with a supply of acidofillous capsules you can get from a decent health food store....the secret is to take them for a week before you go and continue during your trip..they will boost your good gut bacteria....hope you're feeling better soon
